
Basic skills


  • Long Tail Cast-On
  • German Twisted Cast-On
  • Elastic Crocheted Cast-on
  • Chinese Waitress Cast-On: similar to above but no twist
  • Backwards Loop Cast-On
  • Magic Ring Cast-On
  • Judy’s Magic Cast-On
  • Turkish Cast-On
  • Provisional Cast-On
  • Two-Color Decorative Cast-On
  • Cable Cast-On
  • Picot Cast-On
  • Knitted Cast-On
  • I-Cord Cast-On
  • Figure 8 Cast-On


  • Bind off in pattern
  • Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off: I use it most often in sock cuff
  • Tubular Bind off
  • Italian bind-off
  • Chinese Waitress Bind-Off/Double Chain Bind-Off
  • Crocheted Bind-Off
  • Elizabeth Zimmermann’s Sewn Bind-Off
  • Icelandic Bind-Off: my favourite
  • I-Cord Bind-Off
  • Kitchener Stitch
  • Lori’s Twisty Bind Off
  • Picot Bind-Off
  • Three Needle Bind-Off: often use in seams when joining shoulders in sweater
  • Two Color Decorative Bind-Off
  • Russian Bind-Off/Elastic Bind-Off
  • Suspended Bind-Off


  • M1. How I remember the direction between M1L/M1R:
    • M1L: the yarn looks left leaning when putting the bar to the left needle; then knit through the back loop
    • M1R: the yarn looks right leaning when putting the bar to the left needle; then knit through the front loop
  • Knit front back(kfb): often used decoratively or at the end of rows because it’s more visible


Left leaning decrease


  • k2tog tbl
  • ssk
  • sspk
  • ssk & tbl
  • k2tog left
  • skpy: slip, knit, pass over, yank
  • ssp
  • p2tog

Right leaning decrease

  • k2tog
  • p2tog tbl
  • skp:slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch
  • krpr: knit-return-pass-return
