Link: R
Remove . In Column Name function
## On-the-fly
colnames(df) <- gsub("\\.", " ", colnames(df))
## Function
makeColNamesUserFriendly <- function(ds) {
# Convert any number of consecutive dots to a single space.
names(ds) <- gsub(x = names(ds),
pattern = "(\\.)+",
replacement = " ")
# Drop the trailing spaces.
names(ds) <- gsub(x = names(ds),
pattern = "( )+$",
replacement = "")
## Usage
df <- makeColNamesUserFriendly(df)
Overlap value for multiple columns
See my blog post Replace missing value from other columns using coalesce join in dplyr for an advanced version of coalesce
# Or match together a complete vector from missing pieces
y <- c(1, 2, NA, NA, 5)
z <- c(NA, NA, 3, 4, 5)
coalesce(y, z)
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5
From <>
Replace value
mutate(sample = gsub("_x|\\.\\d+[A-Za-z]+", "", sample))
Replace string if it contains certain value:
mutate(Owning_LOB = if_else(str_detect(Owning_LOB, "AMCB"), "AMCB - Commercial Banking", Owning_LOB))
Summarize and count
# count LOB
test <- master %>%
group_by(LOB) %>%
summarize(count = n())
df2 <- confirmed %>% count(Owning_LOB)
test2 <- master %>% filter(LOB != "Unknown")
# Count only
count <- n_distinct(test$Application.Code)
Comparing row bind: base, dplyr and data.table
Comparing base::rbind
vs dplyr::bind_rows
vs data.table::rbindlist
TL;DR: data.table::rbindlist
is the most powerful out of three.
can cope some mixed data types but cannot handle missing columns.
can handle missing columns, but will fail to bind with mixed data types (e.g datetime to another) when there are some discrepancy.
can ignore different data types when bind rows:
(set use.names as FALSE to also ignore column names), such as:
all_inv <- data.table::rbindlist(list(last_inv_clean, this_inv), use.names = FALSE)
Get the max from sub group
Apply rules to LOR: Max > Min > PrivOnly
# Slice to keep the first row for duplicate apps
keepmax <- groupraw %>%
group_by(Application.Code) %>%
slice_max(Legal_Impact, n = 1)
Identify duplicate variables/columns
Select columns
## Select last n columns:
tail(names(.), x)
## Select first and last 2 columns
select(1, tail(names(.), 2))
Relocate column
## Move column to the last
data %>% relocate(b, .after = last_col())
String detect
## From stringR
## If the first letter is AMCB:
filter(!str_extract(LOB, "^.{4}") == "AMCB")
Custom functions
Standardize column names as per template
## col_dictionary() -
## standardize column names -
## Read standardized column from a csv file, which contains old_name and new_name
col_dictionary <- read.csv("Data/cols_formatting.csv")
col_standardize <- function(data) {
for(i in 1:nrow(col_dictionary))
names(data)[names(data) == col_dictionary$old_name[i]] = col_dictionary$new_name[i]
Clean export to excel
Add timestamp for export file when Working with Excel from R
## add_file_date() -
## add date and time stamp for file names -
add_file_date <- function(file_name) {
file_name = paste0(file_name, "_", format(Sys.time(), format = "%Y%m%d-%H%M"), ".xlsx")
## Usage
## This will generates a file named "test_20210101-1501.xlsx"
write.xlsx(df, add_file_date("test"))
Combining added timestamp and cleaned columns:
## clean_export() -
## replace dot with space in column names -
## and export to excel with added timestamp -
clean_export <- function(data, file_name) {
exportfile = write.xlsx(data %>%
rename_all( ~ str_replace_all(., \\., " ")), file = add_file_date(file_name)) # replace period with space in column names
## Usage
clean_export(df, "test")