Link: Emacs


Practical Vim

Practical guide of vim.

Vim keybinding shortcut

Vim Cheat Sheet

Overall meaning: w: word e: end


0jump to beginning of (visual) line
gjump to end of line
^ or _jump to beginning of line


Iinsert at the beginning of line
Ainsert at the end of line
xdelete at the cursor
Ocreate new line above


For Emacs, install evil-surround - MELPA

Add parenthesis

How to add parenthesis like () around highlighted text in visual mode:

  • Select the text in visual mode, e.g. viw to highlight a word
  • Sb or S) to insert bracket wo space; S( to insert bracket with space surrounding

Edit existing parenthesis

  • Change parens: e.g. cs"' change parens from ” to ’
  • Delete parens: ds" delete surrounding ”